Sunday, December 30, 2007


Mesmo diante de ameças de extremo poder, como Trigon e Superboy Prime, Asa Noturna demonstra coragem para lutar.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dick Grayson x Cyborg


Asa Noturna é bem mais rápido que a Mulher-Gato.

Asa Noturna x 40 homens armados

Asa Noturna pode enganar um polígrafo

Asa Noturna x Arrasa Quarteirão

O Asa não venceu esta luta, mas mostrou grande habilidade e força.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Asa Noturna x Arrasa-Quateirão

Habilidade de luta

Habilidade de luta

Quem é Donna Troy?

Dick Grayson mostra porque é um dos melhores detetives do mundo e desvenda um dos maiores mistérios da DC, a origem de Donna Troy.

Asa Noturna x Charge e Calcutta

Lição no valentão


Resiste após atravessar a parede por conta de um soco de Donna Troy.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Asa Noturna x Robin

Dick luta na defensiva, claramente não pretende machucar Tim, apenas colocar um pouco de bom senso no garoto. No final, a melhor demonstração do que é ser e agir como um irmão mais velho e amigo.
*Um leitor de Nightwing questionou o roteirista, Fabian Nicieza, sobre o diálgo em que Dick diz que pode não ser o detetive que Tim é. Nicieza, esclaresceu qualquer dúvida:
"Thanks for the bibliography, but I have read all those issues (and more). You know Dick is the better detective. I know Dick is the better detective. Dick knows he is the better detective.
But Dick is also smart enough to know when a pinch of sugar works better than an escrim stick to the back of the head.
Did you consider that your interpretation of that panel was prejudiced by your "Nightwing Fan Insecurity," since it was in response to Tim saying, "You don't know what's going on!" -- and Dick then proceeded to explain to Tim that he knew EXACTLY everything that was going on?
"Nightwing Fan Insecurity" is quite understandable, since the character has taken plenty of body blows over the last several years, but it seems to prevent some readers from judging the character's actions and reactions fairly within the context of any particular story, scene, character interaction, etc.
Hope the rest of the issue was more to your liking."
E complementou:
"One more thing I forgot, re-read the panel, since Dick NEVER says Tim is the "better detective" as you posted, he specifically says, "I may not be the detective you are..."
That was very specific wording on my part, since it leaves plenty of cynical wiggle room for Dick to be thinking, "I'm not the detective you are -- I'm better!"
I didn't add a caption to that effect because I thought Dick has mroe class than to even think that, since he knows it...
-- Fabian "